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Sign-ups Semester Committee

Sign-ups Semester Committee
Datumdinsdag 31 januari 2023 tot donderdag 9 februari 2023

All activities of Labyrint are co-organized by the various committees of this association! Committees are small groups of psychology students who work together closely. If you think it would be fun to take part in a short-term Labyrint committee in semester 2, you can sign up now! The sign-ups will be open until February 9th, 16:00. After you've done this, you'll get a comfornation e-mail with more information about an interview with one of the board members and the different committee roles. 

This committee will organize two fun activities. A sport activity and an end-of-the-year beach activity will be completly up to you. You can put you own spin to it, together with your other committee members. Be creative and make something new!

For further questions, feel free to email the board at board@labyrintleiden.nl, or just step by the common room (SA55). We hope to see your sign-ups soon!

Sign-up here!
