What is it like being a Board member of Labyrint, and is it something for you? Board 78 is here to tell you more about their weeks. Hoping you learn more about what we do as a Board and whether its something you would like to be a part of next year!
Fleur van Paassen, Chairman
Every week as a board member is completely different from the last. I start my week on Monday morning with the board meeting. After missing my fellow board members for an entire weekend, I happily (and, of course, right on time) walk into the common room every Monday and give them all a big hug. Then we make a nice cup of coffee or tea and head to a classroom for the meeting. After the meeting, I often stick around the common room for a while before heading to my job at Inzowijs. Monday evenings are usually free, so I take this opportunity to dedicate some time to self-care.
On Tuesday mornings, I always have common room duty. I love chatting with our members, and Herman often drops by for a quick hello. In the afternoon, I usually stay on FSW until late to work through my to-do list. Every last Tuesday of the month, I attend our monthly drinks at the Kroeg, and if not, I’ll go to Njord to catch up with my rowing crew!
Wednesdays are often meeting days for me. For example, every four weeks, there’s a VerO meeting, where we meet with the chairs of the other faculty associations and the FSW Assessor. I also often have committee meetings for the Starting Committee, where we plan fun activities for our members. Wednesday evenings are always house evenings at my place with my roommates. I try to attend these every week, though it doesn’t always work out because there’s almost always a CoBo (constitution drink) hosted by one of our fellow boards that we can attend!
Thursdays are usually packed with activities organized by the committee or the board. I always meet so many new people at these events, especially those attending a Labyrint activity for the first time, and I truly enjoy it! Besides that, I spend the entire day on campus working through my to-dos. In the evening, I often meet up with friends or grab a drink with my roommates.
On Fridays, I usually don’t have to be on FSW, so I take the day to work. After that, my weekend essentially begins, and I love visiting my parents if I have the time. During the weekend, I try to rest as much as possible from the past week while also preparing for the week ahead. I also try to meet up with my friends from Delft since I see them much less when I’m in Leiden. On Sunday evenings, I always go to bed early to be ready for the Monday board meeting and look back with satisfaction on a successful week!
Eline Teijme, Secretary
Although it is often said that the tasks of a Secretary are very boring, I think it is the opposite. Because you can be very flexible in your planning, you have lots of time to take on extra little tasks and you never go through the same week. That’s why it is very hard to describe the typical week of a Secretary, but for you guys I will try!
On Mondays I am in the common room at 10:00 before our board meeting. We meet a little bit before our meeting starts to make coffee and tea without wasting our precious meeting-time. Our meeting starts with an extensive description of our weekend. This way we are always up to date with each others personal lives. Ten the real meeting starts and I take the minutes. I think it is very fun to do this, because it makes sure I pay attention to the discussion very well. When our meeting comes to an end, I quickly finish the minutes and send them in the group chat. Then it’s time for our tradition: the board cuddle after the meeting. The rest of my Monday afternoon I spend recovering from taking the minutes. I do a couple of small tasks like updating the inbox and the member database. In the evenings I try to spend some time with my rowing team, but CoBo season made this more difficult than I hoped.
On Tuesdays I have no obligations at the faculty so I often spend the day at work. At 10:00 on Wednesdays I am at FSW again for a fun common room shift. Afterwards I go to a thesis meeting and a committee meeting. Usually I try to stay until 17:00 to finish a few tasks like composing the newsletter. In the evening I spend time with friends.
Thursdays are also days on which I often have a meeting. I try to be at uni from 10:00 to 17:00 to finish my to-do’s before the weekend. An example of those to-do’s is to finish the minutes from last general assembly. In the evening there is often a Labyrint activity that I want (and must) attend.
Friday is different every week. Sometimes it is my workday, sometimes I’m in the common room to chatter (and work). Once every few months we have an after exam drinks on Friday. Of course, I will attend those as well!
Usually I keep my weekends Labyrint-free in order to work. On Sunday evening, however, I always spend a little while preparing the minutes for Mondays’ meeting and updating our inbox. Other than that, the last Sunday of the month me and my board will have a nice dinner together. To conclude, being a Secretary within the board is very fun and varies a lot over time.
Janick van der Hoorn, Treasurer
Every Monday, my week begins with an important moment: the Board Meeting. This is a fixed point in my schedule that I truly look forward to. Throughout the week, you encounter various issues that require the opinions or input of your fellow board members. Sometimes, these can be discussed one-on-one, but there are moments when the entire group is needed. The Board Meeting is also one of the few opportunities when all of us are together. Everyone has a busy schedule, and it’s often difficult to gather everyone for social or serious matters outside of this moment. What I particularly value about the BV is that it provides an opportunity to see each other in a serious, professional setting. It fosters a sense of connection and shared responsibility.
The rest of my Monday is filled with meetings. I speak with task groups, SSVL, or fellow board members to coordinate on important matters. At the end of the day, I catch up on my emails and WhatsApp messages and address questions that arose from the BV. It’s an intense start to the week, but it ensures I have a clear understanding of what needs to be done in the days ahead. Monday evening is my fixed moment to head to the pub with friends. It’s a great way for me to start the week on a positive note.
Tuesday is a day dedicated entirely to my Treasurer tasks. It’s a productive day where I focus on structured work, such as bookkeeping, paying invoices, and reviewing committee budgets. I also spend time fulfilling my responsibilities within task groups. It’s satisfying to tackle these fixed tasks with concentration. In the evening, there’s usually a CoBo (constitution drink) or an activity organized by Labyrint.
Wednesdays are all about my committees. I meet with the Maatschapcie and Welzijncie to discuss upcoming activities and their progress. These are valuable moments where we not only focus on content but also connect with committee members on a personal level. Besides the formal topics, there’s room for informal conversations, which makes collaboration even more enjoyable. On Wednesday afternoons, I’m often found in the “hok” (Common Room). It’s a great place to socialize with friends within the association. In the evenings, there are often Labyrint activities, parties, or CoBos you never have to be bored during a board year!
On Thursday, I make a conscious effort to start the day slowly. I keep my morning free to recover from the busy week so far. I take the time to enjoy a relaxed breakfast and organize my thoughts about what still needs to be done for the rest of the week. In the afternoon, I work on ongoing tasks and aim to shorten my To-Do list. Much like Wednesdays, I spend part of the day in the “Hok,” but mostly in the ‘’Office’’.
Friday is a different kind of workday for me. On this day, I set my board responsibilities aside and work as a mechanical engineer in Alphen aan den Rijn. It’s a refreshing change and helps keep me sharp.
Saturdays are often reserved for independent work on Labyrint tasks that require a lot of focus. It’s nice to work from home at my own pace without distractions. In addition, I regularly go bouldering, which is not only physically challenging but also helps me clear my mind. In the evenings, I usually meet up with friends.
Sunday is my rest day. It’s the day I recharge my energy for the upcoming week. Sometimes, I spend time with my parents, and other times I enjoy a relaxing day with friends. It’s a moment to reflect on the past week and look ahead to what’s to come.
Each week strikes a unique balance between responsibilities and moments of relaxation. The board work is intense, but also incredibly rewarding. It offers opportunities for personal growth and strengthens connections with others. That makes it a challenge I wholeheartedly embrace.
Justin de Jong, Commissioner of Career and External Relations
First of all, the life of the Commissioner of Career & External Affairs is amazing. You have a lot of freedom, build an enormous network, and develop important business skills. You spend the whole day interacting with people. This includes a lot of emailing, calling, negotiating, drafting contracts, and handling the promotion provided by partners. In addition, there is plenty of time for beer, sports, and other hobbies.
On Monday, I start my day at 8.30. I brush my teeth, get dressed and I’m always right on time at 10h for the Board meeting. At the Board meeting we talk about general and specific tasks we have to finish regarding Labyrint. After that, I hang out with people in the common room since I always have common room duty at that time. Afterwards, I go home and usually go for a run. Monday evenings are reserved for my friends from Augustinus, which usually occupies me for the whole evening.
Tuesdays I plan meetings with companies, make contracts, update my email and the customer relation management system. We might have a Labyrint activity which takes up some hours. This can lead to me not finishing my usual tasks so those tasks can be divided over the rest of the days. I often also have meetings with my committee as well. I like to finish Tuesdays with Janick at the bar :)
Wednesdays I usually try to go for a run and plan meetings from 11h onwards. I also use Wednesdays for reading notes, updating the career page on the website and catching up on paperwork. Wednesday evenings are evenings I spend with my housemates where we eat together and do fun activities after. Thursdays there are usually Labyrint activities that keep me busy. If not, I also like to plan days at my job or a day away with my girlfriend. I like to keep the evening calm but it rarely pans out that way.
Fridays I like to work out in the morning and go to the university to finish everything I didn’t get to yet. I love going into my weekends with no unread emails! Saturdays and Sundays I always work my job in Delft and I love to go out on Saturday nights. Sunday nights I attend salsa lessons and hang out on the couch.
All-in-all I have to admit a Board-year is a super busy lifestyle. You are at the university everyday and a lot of stuff goes wrong all the time. On the other hand: I learned more in this year than in any year before this and I get to spend a lot of time with my friends doing fun activities. I would recommend this experience to absolutely anyone! Definitely come up to me with questions, I love talking about my Board experience.
Axel van der Goot, Commission of Communication and Vice-chairman
As a board member my days are never dull! On Mondays we start our week off with our board meeting. It’s great to know how everyone’s weekend was and what’s on the planning for this week. This way everyone knows what needs to be done and we can look forward to a week full of fun activities. After our board meeting I try to check off some things on my to do list. And if we don’t have an activity on monday or a meeting in the evening, I will usually be with my fraternity that night.
Tuesday is the day I spend most of my time at the university. I usually have meetings with my committees and other people at the university. And in the afternoon I’m present in the common room, where I spend a lot of time socializing with our members and catching up with friends.
Once a month we organize our monthly drinks at the Kroeg on Tuesday and if we don’t have that I try to go play a game of tennis every now and then. So Tuesday is truly a very fun and social day.
Wednesday tends to be a day where it depends on the week, what I’m doing that day. Sometimes I work on Wednesday, other times I still have a lot of things on my to do list so I’ll be spending my time at the library. The past few months have also been busy with cobo’s and some weeks we were invited to a cobo every night of the week. Otherwise there also sometimes is a party on wednesdays which we will gladly attend.
Thursdays I spend my morning in the common room, making coffee and tea and hearing how everyone’s week has been so far. Thursday is also often a day where we have an activity so I will be attending that and after that I’ll head home to eat with my roommates and have a spend the evening with them.
Friday morning is spent fixing everything that I did not have time for the rest of the week. And then the weekend can begin. Sometimes we have a social date with our board, or someone is hosting a party or I might have some drinks with friends.
My weekends are a mix of relaxing and resetting for next week. I try to see my family and friends, but also clean my room, go grocery shopping and do some laundry. Sunday evening I try to end my weekend by watching a movie or show and then getting a good night's rest in order to start the new week off strong.
Sophie de Raat, Commissioner of Internal Relations
On Mondays, we start the week with the board meeting. This is every week from 10 to 13 and in it we update each other on our lives, our committees and all our chores and to-do's. I often spend the rest of my Mondays in the Common Room, chatting with members or working on my promotion for the week. I hang up posters, or open Canva and once again go wild on creating promotion for the association. I try to keep Monday evening free as much as possible, so I can start the week quietly and finish some tasks if necessary. Now and then, of course, we have an activity, CoBo or social dates in the evening and I like to keep my evenings free for those too!
In the first block, I had a lecture every Tuesday, which I attended (as much as possible) to pass my exam. Now this term, and the next, Tuesdays are my days off, which I often fill with meetings, to-do's and work at home or at uni. I often have a meeting of one of my committees on Tuesday morning, these last two hours and then I always check in to see how everything is going. Besides my Board year, I also have two jobs, and on my Tuesday afternoons I always try to do some extra work for one of them!
On Wednesdays, I try to make some hours at work. Sometimes I work at the office in the morning, or I get to work at the Sterrenwacht all afternoon and evening. If I don't have to work, I can often be found in the Common Room. Then, for example, I update the website or update the points for the Committee of the Mand. If there are meetings of my committees on Wednesdays, I am often there too.
On Thursdays, I spend most of the day at uni. I often try to get there in time to get some stuff done and check the promotion of the committees. Once a month, for example, I collect all the promotion for the newsletter, and besides that I have a full promotion schedule to keep up with every week. On Thursday afternoons, I have a Common Room shift. This means that I can be found in the Common Room for a chat, free coffee and tea and to answer all your questions. At 16:00 I often stick around for a bit, clean up and chat with the members in the Common Room.
Friday mornings I also have a Common Room shift, which are often a bit quieter so there is enough time to have a chat with the Boards of our hallway associations. They often come to have coffee with us, or I have a chat with them. In the afternoon, I always hang around for a while too, mainly to chat with members or to finish my to-do's for the week.
I always try to plan my Saturdays so that I have some time off from Labyrint. It’s good to have a day for myself where I like to take my rest. During the day, I like to quietly catch up on work and often watch a series or film to relax. Once every while, I visit my grandmother to play rummikub together. In the evening, I like to meet up with my friends from Alphen for a drink or to get an ice cream and catch up.
I use my Sunday to finish my last to-do's and make sure I am well prepared to start the new week. I also prepare some promotion in advance, so I don't have to do this on Monday after my meeting :). On Sunday evening, I often go to bed on time and end the weekend with a film or watching a series!
Lisa van Walderveen, Commissioner of Education
My weeks can look very different depending on how many meetings are scheduled that week and how many activities we organize. My week also begins at the BV on Monday morning. It feels like an eternity since we have seen each other. Time during a board year seems to run differently. BVs are always very sociable, but also very important to discuss everything. On the basis of the BV, it is clear what I am going to work on again for the rest of the week. On Monday afternoon I can be found in the common room for lunch to hear everyone's stories from the weekend. Once a month I attend the MOC meeting. This is where all the different masters meet to discuss how to improve the study program. It is very interesting to get a look behind the scenes this way. On Monday evening there is often a CoBo or fun social date!
Tuesday and Thursday I alternate between being at the university or not. This depends on whether there is a BOC or ISP meeting. At the BOC, like the MOC, the quality of the program is discussed, but for the bachelor. ISP, international student platform, is a place where international master students can share their experience of studying at Leiden University. I always try to be away from the common room one day a week. I take this time to relax at home, do some laundry, run errands and other tasks outside of Labyrint We usually have an activity these days so I'm definitely there!
On Wednesdays I often have a committee meeting in the morning and in the afternoon I have my common room shift. My common room shift is always very busy and fun. Many members come by for lunch or as a break while studying. Wednesday nights are either filled with a fun party or CoBo or with a fun series or book in my bed, just whatever is convenient or what I feel like doing.
When I do attend on Tuesday or Thursday, part of the day is filled with a meeting. The rest of the day is spent finishing my to-do list. Often I am also in contact with JoHo about the summaries or INDEX about the book list.
On Fridays, I also often have a committee meeting. This year I supervise the All Year Weekend Committee and the Yearbook Committee. Both committees are incredibly fun and great fun, but also very different from each other. Organizing a trip is very different from making an almanac, but both are very cool to do. When I go to my parents' house in Leeuwarden on the weekend, I always try to leave on time so I can join them for dinner in the evening. It's always quite a trip up north, but with a fun book, time goes fast.
On the weekend I try to rest, spend time with my parents or meet up with friends. I put my phone to one side and the phone calls and e-mails come on Monday. When I've been at my parents, I'm back in The Hague on Sunday evening and I can go to bed on time so I can start the new week rested.