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A Year of Collaboration and Growth: Board Transition 76


It's that time of the year again! Tonight, we are on the verge of passing the torch to a new board during our annual general meeting. We look back with pride and gratitude at a year filled with dedication to our association.

This year has been a year of togetherness and growth for us. Together with our members, we organized a series of activities and events that strengthened our association and brought us closer together. It was a year filled with memories, where we laughed, learned, and shared special moments together.

Our association cannot thrive without the active involvement of each member, and we are thankful for the support and dedication we have received. It's your enthusiasm and commitment that have motivated us to give our very best for the association.

As we pass the baton to the new board, we encourage them to build upon the successes of this year and reach new heights. Change is an opportunity for renewal, and we have every confidence that Board 77 will lead our association to even greater heights.

Tonight, let's celebrate together and reflect on the past year. Let's look forward to what the future holds for our amazing association. Together, we are strong, and with each board transition, we grow stronger and wiser.

On behalf of Board 76, we want to thank everyone once again for their support and involvement. Together, we have made a difference, and we eagerly anticipate what the future holds for our association.


With warmest regards,

Myrthe, Sandra, Roald, Sara, Wiebe, Syd & Rayshree
