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General Assembly

What does a general assembly entail?

The general assembly ('AV' in Dutch) is the highest and most powerful body of the association. In the general assembly decisions are made concerning the (continuation) of the association. By having a say at the general assembly and casting your vote, you can influence the course of the association.

Who can come to a general assembly?

The GA consists, potentially, of all Labyrint members with a voting right, which rules out all old-members, non-active alumni and employees of the university. All members are very welcome to attend and help think about moving the association in the desired direction.

How does a general assembly work?

One week before the GA, every member of Labyrint receives a digital invitation for the Assembly. This invitation is called a ‘convocation’, which is derived from the Latin 'convocare' which means 'to convene'. The agenda is published in the convocation and notes which attachments to topics on the agenda can be found for examination in the Labyrint room (SA55).

The GA-chairman, or, in case of his/her absence, the GA-vice chairman, opens the assembly with a strike of the hammer. Decisions made in the assembly are also sealed with a strike of the hammer.

What can you contribute?

If you have a good idea, you can submit your item on the agenda up to 24 hours before the start of the assembly to the GA-chairman or the association's president. Your idea, statement or criticism can then be addressed in the assembly and voted on if necessary.
