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Board 2024-2025

The Board

In the year 2024-2025 the 78th board of Labyrint is constituted as followed:


Chairman: Fleur van Paassen

Hi, I am Fleur, 21 years old and I am in my final year of my bachelor's degree. This year I have been given the honor of being the chairman of Labyrint. In this role, I mainly deal with overseeing board tasks and communication with other associations. I also supervise 2 committees, the Starting Committee and the First Years Weekend Committee. In my free time I enjoy meeting up with friends, listening to music or cooking. I really enjoy getting to know new people, so be sure to stop by the Common Room for a chat!


Secretary: Eline Teijema

Hi, I am Eline and this year I will be your Secretary. For my function I will mainly be working on internal matters like taking the minutes for the G.A.’s and the membership administration. This year will be my fourth year of my bachelor of psychology and next to my studies I also work with plants. In my free time I am busy with more plants, learning to sew and thousands of other little creative projects. If you have any questions you can always contact me on and otherwise I hope to see you in the common room!


Treasurer: Johannes Gerardus Jozef van der Hoorn

Hey everyone! I would like to introduce myself to you. I am Janick, 22 years old, and I am currently in my sixth year of university. Of these six years, I've been studying psychology for three years now, and the remaining time I've spent studying mechanical engineering, which I'm almost finished with now. 
As Treasurer, I am responsible for Labyrint's finances. This means I prepare budgets and manage all expenses. I work closely with the Treasurers of the committees, checking their budgets and supporting them as needed. In addition, this year I supervise the Community Committee and the Wellbeing Committee.
In recent years, I have enjoyed participating in Labyrint activities and organizing great events with my fellow members of the AJWcie and Introcie. I am very much looking forward to the challenges this board year will bring and the personal growth I will experience myself and see around me. Moreover, I look forward to the fun in the Common Room and the many cups of coffee that will undoubtedly accompany it!

Commissioner Career & External Relations

Commissioner Career & External Relations: Justin de Jong

Hi! My name is Justin, I am 22 years old and currently pursuing a master's degree in Economic & Consumer Psychology. This year I have the honor of being the Commissioner Career & External Relations at Labyrint, where I will be working on expanding the knowledge about career opportunities for psychology students and acquisition of the association.
This will be my 4th year at Labyrint where I have already enjoyed doing committees like the Interrailcie, AJWcie, SoAcie and Kascie. I am looking forward to work hard for the association and to help the Congrescie and Conneccie to organize beautiful events. I am always in for a chat so come and see me to chat!

Commissioner Communication

Commissioner Communication: Axel van der Goot

Hello, my name is Axel! I am 22 years old, and this year I have the privilege of taking on the role of Commissioner Communications. This means that I mainly maintain contact with various parties to ensure that Labyrint remains well-visible and that more people get to know Labyrint and what we do. Additionally, I apply for subsidies for certain Labyrint activities. This year, I also hold the position of Vice-Chair of the association, supporting Fleur with her tasks.
When I joined the trip to Krakow during the 2023 short study trip, I realized that our association is an incredibly warm and welcoming place. Before the trip, I didn’t know anyone, but I was so well accepted by the group that after four days, I knew everyone. Last year, I became an active member by joining the Social Activities Committee, where I learned a lot in a short time and made even more friends.
If you are still unsure about becoming an active member, have a question about the association, or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to approach me or send an email to

Commissioner Internal Relations

Commissioner Internal Relations: Sophie de Raat

Hi! I'm Sophie, 21 years old and about to start my first year of the Master's in Economics and Consumer Psychology. As Commissioner Internal Relations I am responsible for updating the social media and the website of Labyrint. I will also work to increase the social bonding within the association, partly through the committee game. In addition, I will take the pictures at many activities and put them online for everyone to admire! 

I have been a member of Labyrint since my first year of psychology and have been able to do several committees. This year I will be overseeing the Long Study Trip Committee and the Party Committee! If you have any questions or just want to chat, be sure to stop by during my common  room shifts or send an email to

Commissioner Education 

Commissioner Education: Lisa van Walderveen

Hi, I'm Lisa, 21 years old and I get to take on the role of Commissioner Education this year. Last year I completed my bachelor's degree and this year I will start my master's degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology. As Commissioner Education, I will be in charge of book- and summary sales and have contact with teachers. I will also supervise the AJWcie, Almanakcie and Sympocie, which I am really looking forward to! 
In the last years I have been active in several committees and went along on great trips and I am looking forward to what we are all going to do and experience this year. I really enjoy meeting new people so feel free to stop by during my common room shifts or talk to me at an activity! See you soon! 
