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First years weekend

Every year in September, Labyrint organizes a First Years' Weekend (FYW), especially for all first-year psychology students. The weekend is focused on getting to know your fellow students and making friends for life. During this weekend you will get to know more than a hundred fellow students in a short time! But you also get to know the study association and student life.

During this weekend you will be guided by an enthusiastic mentor duo who know exactly how you can get the best out of the start of your study time. This year, the Labyrint First years Weekend will take place on 20-22 September 2024, and the weekend will be themed Once Upon a Time. The weekend is completely focused on having fun. For example a theme party, a cantus and various games are planned. All in all, it will be a super fun weekend that you will never forget.

The cost for the weekend will be € 48.00. This includes the bus trip, two overnight stays + breakfast, one dinner, and many different fun activities. This weekend offers the perfect start for all first-year psychology students in Leiden! 

You can subscribe for the FYW via this link. We hope to see you there!
