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Short Studytrip Committee

The Short Studytrip Committee organizes a four-day trip in March to a foreign university. In recent years we have visited the universities of Berlin, Oxford, Glasgow and Krakow. We will not only visit the university, we will also undertake other study related activities. Altogether it will be a sociable and fun weekend. The committee is free to fill in these activities. 

The Short Studytrip Committee of 2024-2025 is constituted as follows

Merna Razooki Chairman
Bess Kromhout Secretary
Maartje Meijers Treasurer
Kim Burgers Promoter
Lynn Weisscher Promoter
Marie Zander Social member
Noah Scheffer Social member
Janna Schorn General member
Sky Mirzoian General member
Eline Teijema Commissioner
