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Labyrint has a total of 11 committees, all of which can be found on this page. Each committee either organises different types of activities, designs the yearbook or the association magazine deSofa. Activities can be either study-related or social in their nature, relating to for example cultural or sporty themes. All the upcoming activities can be found under Events in the calendar on the website.

Besides the regular committees, Labyrint also has an advisory board. The advisory board serves the board of the association by giving advice to aid the progression of Labyrint. Additionally, Labyrint also has a treasury committee that checks all the financial accountancy and provides the treasurer with financial advice.


Study association Labyrint will have the following committees in the college year 2023-2024

All Years Weekend Committee (AYWcie)

The AYWcie organizes a three day trip to a foreign city like Gent or Lille. The weekend is all about fun and bonding between members of all years.This committee has all the freedom in deciding the destination and the activities for this weekend! Besides the weekend away, this committee organizes a cantus during the diesweek. This committee is only open to Dutch speaking students.

Community Committee (Communittee)

The Community committee will organize activities that increase the social engagement of Labyrint. With this community you will organize a Laby Run to collect money for charity. Furthermore, you will organize a sustainability activity and a mental health activity. This committee is only open to Dutch speaking students.

Congress Committee (Congresscie)

The Congrescie organizes a large psychology congress. During this congress, numerous speakers from different specializations within psychology will talk about their own experiences in the field. The congress is organized for psychology students so they can orient themselves on the workfield. In addition to this activity, the Congrescie will organize two lectures. 

deSofa Committee (deSofa)

The deSofacie  is the perfect match for people who love writing and want to explore their creative side. The deSofa is the association’s magazine in which members can read about psychology-related subjects, but of course also everything that is going on within the association. The committee publishes an edition of the magazine three times a year and the magazine can be ordered or read online. 

Party Committee (Fecie)

The Fecie will organize three theme parties, a Laby Only Party and a pool party this year. The committee will determine the theme, location and content of the parties. The committee is particularly recommended for first year students. This committee is only open to Dutch speaking students.

Introduction Committee (Introcie)

The Introcie organizes two activities: the family & friends day and the first year's weekend. The committee organizes a family & friends day during which all family members and friends will have the opportunity to see the university and attend work groups and lectures. Besides that the committee organizes the first years weekend during which first year students can get acquainted with each other and of course with Labyrint. The committee will therefore also be working during the summer holiday. This committee is only open to Dutch speaking students.

Long Studytrip Committee (Studiereiscie)

The Studiereiscie will organize a multi-day trip to a European city. There will be both social and study related activities during the trip. This committee has all the freedom in deciding the destination and the activities.

Network Committee (Networkcie)

The Netwerkcie organizes activities that are interesting for students that want to know about the workfield of psychology and alumni. The Network Committee organizes a symposium, an network reception and an inhouse day. The activities give students an idea of the many possibilities after the study of psychology and are therefore also attractive for master students. In addition, this committee writes a newsletter three times a year for the Labyrint alumni, so they can stay informed about relevant activities and developments within the association. 

Social Activities Communittee (SoAcie)

Throughout the entire year the SoAcie will organize four various social activities, like a Christmas dinner and a gala. These are all activities that are about the bonding between members. The committee is particularly recommended for first year students.

Short Studytrip Committee (Bezoekcie)

The Bezoekcie will organize a multi-day trip for fifty members. During this trip, we will visit a university among other things. In addition to organizing the trip, the committee will also organize a social activity. 

Yearbook Committee (Yearbookcie)

At the start of the academic year, Labyrint publishes a yearbook. This is a book that contains, for example, pieces about all the committees. The Almanakcie is highly recommended for creative minds with an affinity for design! 
