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About us

The Board

In the year 2023-2024 the 77th board of Labyrint is constituted as followed:



Voorzitter: Isa van der Plas

Hi! I'm Isa, 22 years old, and in the first year of my Master's Clinical Neuropsychology. This year I'm proud to fulfill the role of chairman. As chairman, my main concern is keeping an overview of all the tasks the board has to keep up with. I'm often busy planning activities and keeping in contact with other associations. Usually, I'm out and about! During my spare time, you can often find me in the kitchen. I like both baking and cooking and love to hear new recipes. Drop by during my common room shift, maybe I have cookies with me!


Secretary: Floor Soons

Hi hi, I'm Floor! I am 21 years old and I am the Secretary of the Board this year. I mainly deal with internal matters such as taking minutes of the General Assembly and membership administration but also supervise two committees. I am currently in the fourth year of my bachelor and hope to start my clinical master next year. I also work in healthcare and in my free time you can often find me with my student association or my roommates. If you have any questions, you can contact me at


Treasurer: Helena Vermeulen

Hi hi! I am Helena, 20 years old and this year's treasurer of Labyrint. This means I deal with all of Labyrint's finances such as budgeting, bookkeeping and writing financial reports. Meanwhile, I am in my fourth year of my bachelor's and have an interest in neuropsychology and artificial intelligence. In recent years, I have been active in various committees of Labyrint, where I have learned a lot and made many friends. Besides Labyrint, I can regularly be found with my roommates, at DAC or at University Sports Centre (USC). 
Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions about the study, are struggling with anything or just want to chat!

Commissioner Career & External Relations


Commissioner Career & External Relations: Drenis Bytyci

Hi! My name is Drenis, I'm 25 years old and currently pursuing a master's degree in Social & Organisational Psychology. This year, I have the privilege of serving as the Commissioner Career & External Relations at Labyrint, where my responsibilities encompass managing both career-related affairs and partnerships. Additionally, I hold the position of Vice Chairman within the association, supporting Isa in her duties.
My journey into Psychology began after completing my bachelor's degree in Public Administration. Shortly after making this transition, I became an active member of Labyrint, finding a warm welcome in committees such as the Congress, deSofa, Short Study Trip, and Treasury committee. I am excited about giving back to the community by assisting the Network and Short Study Trip committees with their organizational efforts this year!

Commissioner Internal Relations

Commissioner Internal Relations: Damian Jansen

Commissioner Education & Treasurer II

Commissioner Education & Treasurer II: Sanna Plomp

Hi! I’m Sanna, 19, and I will be fulfilling the position of Commissioner Education & Treasurer II this year. I have diverse tasks, such as: contact with the university and teachers, book- and summary sales, debtor administration and being the commissioner of the Introcie and the Maatschapcie. Some of my hobbies include playing the piano, going to the gym, and occasionally attending a DAC-borrel. I like to meet new people, so feel free to join me in the common room or at an activity for a chat!
